Descendants of Lambert op die CAMPHORST

I.1    Lambert op die CAMPHORST, born ±1600.
   1.  Geert (Gerrit) Lamberts CAMPHORST (Geert in de Camphorst) (see also II.1).

II.1    Geert (Gerrit) Lamberts CAMPHORST (Geert in de Camphorst), born ±1625, son of Lambert op die CAMPHORST (see also I.1).
Church marriage ca. 1645 (NDG) to Geertjen N. Born ±1626 in Twickeloo.
From this marriage:
   1.  Lambert Gerritsen KAMPHORST (Lambert op de Camphorst) (see also III.1).
   2.  Berent (Berent in de Camphorst), born ..-03-1648 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 08-03-1648 in Hengelo.
   3.  Geert (Gerrit) (see also III.4).
   4.  Fenne KAMPHORST (Fenneken ten Camphorst), born ±1665 in Woolde.
Church marriage on 20-10-1689 in Delden (NDG) to Jan ter BRAAK (Jan Kamphorst), born ±1660.
   5.  Harmen KAMPHORST (see also III.7).

III.1    Lambert Gerritsen KAMPHORST (Lambert op de Camphorst), born ±1646 (religion: NDG), son of Geert (Gerrit) Lamberts CAMPHORST (Geert in de Camphorst) (see also II.1) and Geertjen N.
Church marriage on 04-07-1680 in Hengelo (NDG) to Swenne (Swenneken) ENGHBERTS, born ±1656.
From this marriage:
   1.  Geertjen Lambertsen (see also IV.2).
   2.  Hendrickje ten CAMPHORST (see also IV.4).
   3.  Eghbert Lambertsen (Eckbert (ten) Kamphorst) (see also IV.5).
   4.  Gerrit Lambertsen (see also IV.8).
   5.  Fenne (Fenneken) ten KAMPHORST (Catharina?) (see also IV.11).
   6.  Jenneken Lambertsen, born <1698.

III.4    Geert CAMPHORST (Gerrit), born ..-08-1653 in Twekkelo, christened (NDG) on 14-08-1653 in Twekkelo, son of Geert (Gerrit) Lamberts CAMPHORST (Geert in de Camphorst) (see also II.1) and Geertjen N.
   1.  Geertien Gerritz ten KAMPHORST (Geertruid), born ±1680 in Woolde, died <1722.
Publication of the banns on 13-03-1706 in Hengelo, church marriage on 21-03-1706 in Hengelo (NDG) to Joannes (Jan) Roelofsen ten BLOEMENDAAL (Roessink), born ±1680 in Hengelo.
   2.  Aaltien Gerritz KAMPHORST (Malle Aaltje) (see also IV.17).
   3.  Anneken (Anna) ten KAMPHORST, born ±1687 in Twekkelo ?
Publication of the banns on 31-03-1708 in Hengelo, church marriage on 29-04-1708 in Hengelo (NDG) to Joan LUBBERTZ, born ±1680.
   4.  Geertruid (Geetruid Kamphorst), born ±1692 in Twekkelo of Lonneker (Dorp) (religion: NDG).
Church marriage (1) on 01-11-1719 in Hengelo (NDG) to Barent Hendriks WARNERTS (Berent Spoerelinck), born ±1687 in Boekelo Hksb. Died < 1729.
Church marriage (2) on 19-06-1729 in Hengelo (NDG) to Joan NILANT, born ±1690 in Groot Driene.

III.7    Harmen KAMPHORST, born ±1676, son of Geert (Gerrit) Lamberts CAMPHORST (Geert in de Camphorst) (see also II.1) and Geertjen N.
   1.  Gerrit Harmens (Gerrit Horskamp) (see also IV.23).

IV.2    Geertjen Lambertsen KAMPHORST, born ±1680 in Hengelo, daughter of Lambert Gerritsen KAMPHORST (Lambert op de Camphorst) (see also III.1) and Swenne (Swenneken) ENGHBERTS.
Publication of the banns on 18-02-1703 in Delden, church marriage on 25-03-1703 in Delden (NDG) to Jan Berends van de WENGELE, born ±1680 in Deldener Esch, son of Berend van de WENGELE.
From this marriage:
   1.  Jan te WENGELER (see also V.1).
   2.  Maria te WENGELE, born ..-03-1709 in Deldener Esch, christened on 10-03-1709 in Deldener Esch.
   3.  Fenne ter WENGELE, born ..-04-1711 in Deldener Esch, christened on 26-04-1711 in Deldener Esch.
   4.  Jan WENGEL, born ..-06-1712 in Deldener Esch, christened on 05-06-1712 in Deldener Esch.
   5.  Hendrik WENGELE, born ..-02-1714 in Delden Gericht, christened on 11-02-1714 in Delden Gericht.
   6.  Maria te WENGELER, born ..-04-1718 in Deldener Esch, christened on 24-04-1718 in Deldener Esch.
   7.  Hendrik WENGEL, born ..-07-1725 in Deldener Esch, christened on 21-07-1725 in Deldener Esch.

IV.4    Hendrickje ten CAMPHORST, born ca. 1680 in Woolde, daughter of Lambert Gerritsen KAMPHORST (Lambert op de Camphorst) (see also III.1) and Swenne (Swenneken) ENGHBERTS.
Publication of the banns on 07-01-1698 in Delden, church marriage on 04-02-1698 in Delden (NDG) to Jan ten BOEKEDAM, born ±1680 in Deldener Esch.
From this marriage:
   1.  Janna BOKDAM (see also V.10).
   2.  Egbert BOKDAM (see also V.11).
   3.  Berend BOEKDAM, born ..-03-1701 in Deldener Esch, christened on 06-03-1701 in Deldener Esch.
   4.  Hendrica BOEKDAM, born ..-09-1702 in Deldener Esch, christened on 10-09-1702 in Deldener Esch.

IV.5    Eghbert Lambertsen KAMPHORST (Eckbert (ten) Kamphorst), born ..-09-1689 in Woolde, christened (NDG) on 22-09-1689 in Hengelo, son of Lambert Gerritsen KAMPHORST (Lambert op de Camphorst) (see also III.1) and Swenne (Swenneken) ENGHBERTS.
Church marriage (1) on 12-09-1717 in Hengelo (NDG) to Berendina (Berentjen) Lucassen WOLTERINCK, born ±1690 in Groot Driene (religion: NDG), died <1722, daughter of Lucas WOLTERINCK and Heijltjen ELVERINK (Hilleken).
Church marriage (2) on 27-06-1723 in Hengelo (NDG) to Harmken Hendricksen ter HORST, born ±1692 in Eschmarke (religion: NDG), daughter of Hendrick ter HORST.
From the first marriage:
   1.  Janna Egbertse, born ..-01-1719 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 15-01-1719 in Hengelo.
   2.  Loeckes Egberts, born ..-09-1720 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 22-09-1720 in Hengelo.
   3.  Geertrui Egberts, born ..-03-1722 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 03-03-1722 in Hengelo.
From the second marriage:
   4.  Wilmina Egberts, born ±1723 in Hengelo-Woolde, christened (NDG) in Enschede.
Publication of the banns on 11-08-1742 in Hengelo, church marriage on 02-09-1742 in Hengelo (NH) to Berent GEERDINCK (Berent op Kamphorst), 30 years old, born on 28-08-1712 in Hengelo-Woolde, christened (NH (later NDG)) on 28-08-1712 in Hengelo, is waarschijnlijk vanaf Mirrewinter (Kerstmis) 1735 lidmaat van de NDG Kerk, son of Berent Jansen GEERDINCK and Anneken BERTELINK.
   5.  Berent Egberts (Kamphuis) (see also V.20).
   6.  Hendrick Egberts, born ..-03-1727 in Hengelo (O), christened on 02-03-1727 in Hengelo (O).
   7.  Aaltje Egberts, born ..-08-1728 in Woolde, christened (NDG) on 29-08-1728 in Enschede.
   8.  Gese (Geesken) Egberts (see also V.25).

IV.8    Gerrit Lambertsen KAMPHORST, born ..-03-1691 in Woolde, christened (NDG) on 26-03-1691 in Hengelo, son of Lambert Gerritsen KAMPHORST (Lambert op de Camphorst) (see also III.1) and Swenne (Swenneken) ENGHBERTS.
Church marriage on 02-10-1718 in Hengelo (NDG) to Fenneken Jansen HEGERINCK, 27 years old, born on 19-04-1691 in Groot Driene, christened (NDG) on 19-04-1691 in Hengelo, died >1730, daughter of Joan (Jan) HEGERINCK and Geese RERINCK.
From this marriage:
   1.  Gerrit (Garrit) Gerrits (see also V.26).
   2.  Janna Gerrits, born ..-03-1722 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 22-03-1722 in Hengelo.
   3.  Willem Gerrits, born ..-05-1724 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 28-05-1724 in Hengelo. Volgens
geb. d.d. 18-05-1724.
   4.  Jan Gerrits, born ..-10-1725 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 14-10-1725 in Hengelo.
   5.  Geesken Gerrits (Camphorst, Kamphörs) (see also V.32).
   6.  Swenne (see also V.34).

IV.11    Fenne (Fenneken) ten KAMPHORST (Catharina?), born ..-10-1695 in Woolde, christened (NDG) on 27-10-1695 in Hengelo, daughter of Lambert Gerritsen KAMPHORST (Lambert op de Camphorst) (see also III.1) and Swenne (Swenneken) ENGHBERTS.
Publication of the banns (1) on 26-09-1717 in Delden, church marriage on 24-10-1717 in Delden (NDG) to Jan HAVERCATE (Jan Kamphorst), born ±1690, died ca. 1740.
Church marriage (2) ca. 1740, divorced ca. 1743 in Enschede, 293 from Berend WITBREUK, born ±1694.
From the first marriage:
   1.  Gerrit Jansen, born ..-05-1721 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 18-05-1721 in Hengelo, died <1725 in Hengelo.
   2.  Harremanus Jansen, born ..-07-1722 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 26-07-1722 in Hengelo, died <1728.
   3.  Derck Jansen, born ..-11-1723 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 03-11-1723 in Hengelo, died <1736.
   4.  Gerrit Jansen, born ..-01-1725 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 28-01-1725 in Hengelo, died <1727.
   5.  Gerrit (see also V.39).
   6.  Hermanus (Herm) Jansen HAVERKATE (see also V.41).
   7.  Geesken Jansen (Kamphorst), born ..-07-1730 in Twekkelo, christened (NDG) on 23-07-1730 in Enschede.
   8.  Stijne Jansen (Stijne Kamphorst), born ..-10-1732 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 28-10-1732 in Hengelo, died <1736.
   9.  Egbert Jansen, born ..-01-1734 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 03-01-1734 in Hengelo.
   10.  Stijne, born ..-05-1736 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 06-05-1736 in Hengelo.
   11.  Derck Jansen (Kamphorst), born ..-08-1737 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 04-08-1737 in Hengelo.
From the second marriage:
   12.  Gerrit, born on 21-04-1743 in Broekheurne-Usselo.

IV.17    Aaltien Gerritz KAMPHORST (Malle Aaltje), born ±1684 in Twekkelo ? Christened (NDG) in Enschede, died <1711, daughter of Geert CAMPHORST (Gerrit) (see also III.4).
Church marriage on 06-10-1706 in Hengelo (NDG) to Henrick KREMER (Mallen), born ..-05-1673 in Hengelo (O), christened on 25-05-1673 in Hengelo (O), son of Derk KREMER (Mallen) and Maria BERENDS.
From this marriage:
   1.  Hermina, born ..-07-1707 in Hengelo (O), christened on 04-07-1707 in Hengelo (O).
   2.  Gerrit, born ..-10-1709 in Hengelo (O), christened on 20-10-1709 in Hengelo (O).

IV.23    Gerrit Harmens KAMPHORST (Gerrit Horskamp), born ±1700, son of Harmen KAMPHORST (see also III.7).
Church marriage ca. 1725 to Fenne KOLTHOF, born ±1702 in Lonneker.
From this marriage:
   1.  Gerrit (Gerrit Horskamp), born on 22-07-1725 in Lonneker, died <1726 in Lonneker.
   2.  Gerrit Gerrits (Gerrit Horskamp), born ..-12-1726 in Lonneker, christened (NDG) on 22-12-1726 in Enschede.
   3.  Fenneken (Fenneken Amelinkswoner, Fenneken Horskamp), born ..-11-1728 in Lonneker, christened on 07-11-1728 in Lonneker.

V.1    Jan te WENGELER, born ..-09-1706 in Woolde, christened on 14-09-1706 in Woolde, son of Jan Berends van de WENGELE and Geertjen Lambertsen KAMPHORST (see also IV.2).
Church marriage on 22-05-1733 in Hengelo (O) to Grete te BRAAK, 27 years old, born on 18-04-1706 in Groot Driene.
From this marriage:
   1.  Jan, born on 04-07-1734 in Hengelo (O).
   2.  Trine ter WENGELE, born on 04-01-1739 in Deldener Esch.
   3.  Catharina WENGEL, born on 18-03-1742 in Deldener Esch.
   4.  Geertruid ter WENGEL, born on 01-08-1744 in Deldener Esch, died <1767.
   5.  Gesina te WENGEL, born on 19-06-1746 in Deldener Esch.
   6.  Roelof ter WENGELE, born on 04-02-1748 in Deldener Esch, died <1832.

V.10    Janna BOKDAM, born ..-08-1698 in Deldener Esch, christened on 28-08-1698 in Deldener Esch, daughter of Jan ten BOEKEDAM and Hendrickje ten CAMPHORST (see also IV.4).
Church marriage on 20-02-1724 in Delden Stad to Herm MEIJER, born ca. 1700.
From this marriage:
   1.  Herm, born on 06-05-1736 in Azelo.
   2.  Berend, born on 01-09-1737 in Azelo.
   3.  Herm, born on 18-01-1739 in Azelo.

V.11    Egbert BOKDAM, born ..-09-1699 in Deldener Esch, christened on 24-09-1699 in Deldener Esch, son of Jan ten BOEKEDAM and Hendrickje ten CAMPHORST (see also IV.4).
Church marriage on 15-05-1731 in Delden Stad to Jenneken WOLTERINK, born on 22-05-1795 in Groot Driene, daughter of Lucas WOLTERINCK and Heijltjen ELVERINK (Hilleken).
From this marriage:
   1.  Berendina, born on 05-03-1732 in Deldener Esch.
   2.  Hendrina, born on 18-10-1733 in Deldener Esch.
   3.  Janne, born on 16-09-1736 in Deldener Esch.

V.20    Berent Egberts KAMPHORST (Kamphuis), born ..-10-1724 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 15-10-1724 in Hengelo, died on 01-02-1812 in Lonneker (Dorp), son of Eghbert Lambertsen KAMPHORST (Eckbert (ten) Kamphorst) (see also IV.5) and Harmken Hendricksen ter HORST.
Church marriage <1751 to Swenne (Zwenneken) ASSINK, born ±1717.
From this marriage:
   1.  Harmen Berents (Kamphuis), born on 25-05-1752 in Eschmarke, christened (NDG) on 28-05-1752 in Enschede.
   2.  Geeske Berents, born on 05-01-1755 in Eschmarke, christened (NDG) on 05-01-1755 in Enschede.
   3.  Jannes (Kamphuis, Kamphorst o.d. Wagt) (see also VI.15).
   4.  Jenneken Berents (Kamphuis) (see also VI.18).

V.25    Gese (Geesken) Egberts KAMPHORST, born ±1732, christened (NDG) in Enschede, daughter of Eghbert Lambertsen KAMPHORST (Eckbert (ten) Kamphorst) (see also IV.5) and Harmken Hendricksen ter HORST.
Church marriage on 28-04-1754 in Hengelo (NDG) to Hendrick Jansen HAVERCATE, born ca. 1725 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) ca. 1725 in Hengelo.
From this marriage:
   1.  Bernhard Hendriks (ten Cate), born ..-07-1755 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 13-07-1755 in Hengelo.
   2.  Janna Hendriks, born ..-06-1757 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 26-06-1757 in Hengelo, died <1792.
Church marriage on 13-06-1781 in Hengelo (O) to Hendrick Jansen KAMPHORST (Hendrik Geerdink), landbouwer, born ..-07-1748 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 07-01-1748 in Hengelo, died on 23-06-1811 in Delden (witness(es): Gerrit Bennink), son of Jan GEERDINK and Fenneken STENVERS.
   3.  Aaltjen Hendriks, born ..-09-1758 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 01-10-1758 in Hengelo.
   4.  Roelof, born ..-07-1760 in Woolde, christened on 06-07-1760 in Woolde.
   5.  Fenneken Hendriks, born ..-07-1761 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 12-07-1761 in Hengelo.
   6.  Arent, born ..-03-1766 in Woolde, christened on 23-03-1766 in Woolde, died on 10-04-1834 in Vriezenveen.
   7.  Fenneken, born on 20-12-1767 in Hengelo (O).
   8.  Jenneken Hendriks, born ..-12-1768 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 13-12-1768 in Hengelo.

V.26    Gerrit (Garrit) Gerrits KAMPHORST, born ..-06-1719 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 11-06-1719 in Hengelo, son of Gerrit Lambertsen KAMPHORST (see also IV.8) and Fenneken Jansen HEGERINCK.
Church marriage ca. 1762 in Enschede (NDG) to Fenne MENSINK, born ±1720.
From this marriage:
   1.  Jannes Gerrits, born ..-03-1768 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 24-03-1768 in Hengelo.
Publication of the banns on 23-12-1792 in Delden, church marriage on 09-01-1793 in Delden (NDG) to Berendina de VRIES (Messelink ?), born ±1758, died <1812, daughter of Pieter de VRIES and Leijda de VRIES.

V.32    Geesken Gerrits KAMPHORST (Camphorst, Kamphörs), born ..-02-1729 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 01-03-1729 in Hengelo, mogelijk ook 08-03-1729 gedoopt ? Died 1793, daughter of Gerrit Lambertsen KAMPHORST (see also IV.8) and Fenneken Jansen HEGERINCK.
Publication of the banns on 02-12-1751 in Hengelo, church marriage on 09-01-1752 in Hengelo (NDG) to Jan Freriks LAMMERINCK, born ..-09-1725 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 23-09-1725 in Hengelo, son of Frederik LAMMERTINCK and Aaltjen WILMINK.
From this marriage:
   1.  Frerick, born ..-03-1754 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 29-03-1754 in Hengelo, died <1759.
   2.  Gerrit, born ..-..-1755 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 14-12-1755 in Hengelo, died on 04-03-1820 in Hengelo.
Church marriage on 15-01-1786 in Hengelo (O) to Aalken DOESCHOT, born ca. 1757 in Borne.
   3.  Cornelis, born ..-10-1757 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 30-10-1757 in Hengelo.
   4.  Frerick, born ..-08-1759 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 17-08-1759 in Hengelo, died <1764.
   5.  Abraham, born ..-01-1761 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 02-01-1761 in Hengelo.
   6.  Frerick, born ..-03-1764 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 23-03-1764 in Hengelo, died <1768.
   7.  Aeltjen, born ..-03-1764 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 23-03-1764 in Hengelo.
   8.  Frerick, wever, born ..-02-1768 in Hengelo, christened (NDG) on 04-02-1768 in Hengelo, died on 11-09-1828 in Hattem.
Church marriage on 12-05-1793 in Hengelo (O) to Fenneken (ten) DUS (ten Duijs), 24 years old, spinster, born on 21-12-1768 in Goor, died on 25-07-1819 in Hengelo (O) at the age of 50.

V.34    Swenne KAMPHORST, born on 02-03-1732 in Groot Driene, died ca. 1795, daughter of Gerrit Lambertsen KAMPHORST (see also IV.8) and Fenneken Jansen HEGERINCK.
Church marriage ca. 1757 to Jan ter MORS (Jan ter Mars), landbouwer, born ca. 1735 in Groot Driene, died on 01-01-1795.
From this marriage:
   1.  Henderine, born on 22-12-1758 in Hengelo.
   2.  Hendrik, born on 31-01-1762 in Hengelo (O), died on 07-10-1814 in Groot Driene at the age of 52.
   3.  Fenneken, born on 27-11-1763 in Hengelo (O), died on 25-08-1812 in Lonneker at the age of 48.
   4.  Jannes ter MARS, born on 25-05-1766 in Hengelo (O), died on 19-06-1812 in Driene (Lonneker) at the age of 46.
Church marriage ca. 1795 to Willemina NIJHOF, born ca. 1770.
   5.  Janna, born on 16-01-1769 in Henglo (O), died on 05-06-1849 in Eschmarke at the age of 80.
   6.  Jan Herm, born on 02-06-1771 in Hengelo (O), died on 17-01-1840 in Lonneker at the age of 68.
   7.  Gerrit, born on 05-06-1774 in Hengelo (O).
   8.  Herm, born on 22-02-1777 in Hengelo (O).

V.39    Gerrit HAVERCATE, born ..-05-1727 in Hengelo, christened on 17-05-1727 in Hengelo, son of Jan HAVERCATE (Jan Kamphorst) and Fenne (Fenneken) ten KAMPHORST (Catharina?) (see also IV.11).
Church marriage on 22-10-1758 in Stad Delden to Geertruit ESGERS, born ca. 1733 in Zenderen.
From this marriage:
   1.  Hendrika, born ca. 1765 in Delden Gericht, died on 24-07-1836 in Bentelo.

V.41    Hermanus (Herm) Jansen HAVERKATE, born ..-10-1728 in Twekkelo, christened (NDG) on 01-11-1728 in Enschede, son of Jan HAVERCATE (Jan Kamphorst) and Fenne (Fenneken) ten KAMPHORST (Catharina?) (see also IV.11).
Church marriage on 26-04-1778 in Hengelo (O) to Jenneken HIDDINK (Hidders), 34 years old, born on 22-09-1743 in Delden Gericht, daughter of Herm HIDDINK and Berendina GROOTHUIS.
From this marriage:
   1.  Dirk, born on 26-09-1778 in Hengelo (O).
   2.  Berend (op de Heuperij), born on 23-03-1780 in Hengelo (O), died on 10-08-1858 in Hengelo (O) at the age of 78.
   3.  Abraham, born on 09-02-1782 in Hengelo (O).

VI.15    Jannes KAMPHORST (Kamphuis, Kamphorst o.d. Wagt), landbouwer, born ..-07-1758 in Eschmarke, christened (NDG) on 23-07-1758 in Enschede, died on 28-06-1822 in Lonneker, son of Berent Egberts KAMPHORST (Kamphuis) (see also V.20) and Swenne (Zwenneken) ASSINK.
Married <1796 in Lonneker ? Spouse is Elisabeth (Lizabeth) VERVELD, landbouwster, born ..-06-1763 in Eschmarke, christened on 12-06-1763 in Eschmarke, died on 22-05-1839 in Eschmarke (Lonneker), daughter of Lucas VERVELD and Geesken RIBBELS (Ribbelink).
From this marriage:
   1.  Hermina (Miene) (see also VII.2).
   2.  Lucas Janse (see also VII.3).

VI.18    Jenneken Berents KAMPHORST (Kamphuis), born ..-08-1761 in Lonneker, christened (NDG) on 09-08-1761 in Enschede, died <1787, daughter of Berent Egberts KAMPHORST (Kamphuis) (see also V.20) and Swenne (Zwenneken) ASSINK.
Church marriage ca. 1783 in Enschede (NDG) to Lukas HEUTINK (Lochems Bleike), landbouwer, born ..-06-1757 in Eschmarke, christened on 12-06-1757 in Eschmarke, died on 27-01-1826 in Eschmarke (Lonneker), son of Willem HEUTINK and Janna WAGELAAR.
From this marriage:
   1.  Willemina, born ..-08-1783 in Eschmarke, christened (NDG) on 24-08-1783 in Enschede.

VII.2    Hermina (Miene) KAMPHORST, landbouwster, born on 04-02-1798 in Lonneker, christened (NDG) on 10-02-1798 in Enschede, died on 05-01-1825 in Lonneker (Eschmarke) at the age of 26, daughter of Jannes KAMPHORST (Kamphuis, Kamphorst o.d. Wagt) (see also VI.15) and Elisabeth (Lizabeth) VERVELD, landbouwster.
Married at the age of 25 on 08-02-1823 in Lonneker to Gradus VERVELT, 34 years old, landbouwer, born on 18-05-1788 in Eschmarke, died on 23-11-1858 in Eschmarke (Lonneker) at the age of 70, son of Gerrit VERVELT and Janna VELUW.
From this marriage:
   1.  Gerritdina VERVELD, born on 09-06-1823 in Lonneker, died on 28-01-1852 in Eschmarke (Lonneker) at the age of 28.

VII.3    Lucas Janse KAMPHORST, landbouwer, born on 14-10-1800 in Lonneker, christened (NH) on 19-10-1800 in Enschede, died on 08-12-1870 in Lonneker at the age of 70, son of Jannes KAMPHORST (Kamphuis, Kamphorst o.d. Wagt) (see also VI.15) and Elisabeth (Lizabeth) VERVELD, landbouwster.
Married at the age of 30 on 19-07-1831 in Lonneker to Hermina STENVERS (Willemina), 24 years old, born on 01-10-1806 in Esmarke (Gem.Enschede), died on 04-11-1870 in Noord-Eschmarke at the age of 64, daughter of Jannes STENVERS and Geesken LAMMERINK.
From this marriage:
   1.  Janna, born on 02-11-1832 in Lonneker, died on 08-11-1832 in Lonneker, 6 days old.
   2.  Jan, born on 28-11-1833 in Lonneker, died on 02-07-1843 in Lonneker at the age of 9.
   3.  Jannes (Kamphout) (see also VIII.4).
   4.  Lambertus (Kamphout) (see also VIII.6).
   5.  Janna (Johanna) (see also VIII.9).
   6.  Gerrit Jan, born on 11-04-1848 in Lonneker (religion: NH), died on 16-02-1927 in Enschede at the age of 78.

VIII.4    Jannes KAMPHORST (Kamphout), landbouwer, born on 02-09-1836 in Lonneker (religion: NH), died on 13-08-1904 in Noord Eschmarke (Lonneker) at the age of 67, son of Lucas Janse KAMPHORST (see also VII.3) and Hermina STENVERS (Willemina).
Married at the age of 31 on 10-07-1868 in Lonneker to Johanna GEUVERS, 29 years old, born on 18-07-1838 in Lonneker, died on 01-09-1913 in Noord Eschmarke (Lonneker) at the age of 75, daughter of Herman GEUVERS and Gerritdina KUIPERS.
From this marriage:
   1.  Lambertus (Lambert) (see also IX.1).
   2.  Hendrina Johanna (see also IX.4).
   3.  Hermina, born on 20-07-1874 in Lonneker, died on 27-11-1937 in Lonneker/Enschede at the age of 63, buried ..-12-1937 in Glanerbrug.
Married at the age of 27 on 07-06-1902 in Lonneker to Hendrik (Hans) BIJKERK, 29 years old, fabrieksarbeider, born on 03-08-1872 in Steenwijkerwold, died on 26-07-1964 in Glanerbrug at the age of 91, buried ..-08-1964 in Glanerbrug, son of Cornelis BIJKERK, vervener, and Tiementje de JONGE.
   4.  Gerritdina (see also IX.8).
   5.  Jan Hendrik (see also IX.9).

VIII.6    Lambertus KAMPHORST (Kamphout), landbouwer, born on 12-10-1839 in Lonneker (religion: NH), died on 05-06-1924 in Enschede at the age of 84, son of Lucas Janse KAMPHORST (see also VII.3) and Hermina STENVERS (Willemina).
Married at the age of 36 on 04-05-1876 in Lonneker to Gerritdina WILMINK, 31 years old, landbouwster, born on 24-12-1844 in Lonneker (religion: NH), died on 11-11-1909 in Enschede at the age of 64, daughter of Gerrit Jan WILMINK, landbouwer, and Fenneken WILMINK, landbouwster.
From this marriage:
   1.  Leida Gezina, born on 10-07-1876 in Lonneker (religion: NH), died on 18-07-1942 in Enschede at the age of 66, buried ..-07-1942 in Enschede, Oosterbegraafplaats.
Married (1) at the age of 22 on 23-02-1899 in Lonneker to Gradus LIPPINKHOF, 40 years old, landbouwer, born on 14-02-1859 in Lonneker (religion: NH), died on 22-03-1901 in Zuid Eschmarke (Lonneker) at the age of 42.
Married (2) at the age of 36 on 17-10-1912 in Lonneker to Frederik Matthias NAGEL, 34 years old, landbouwer, born on 14-02-1878 in Lonneker, died on 23-02-1953 in Enschede at the age of 75, buried ..-02-1953 in Enschede, Oosterbegraafplaats.
   2.  levenloos, born on 19-11-1878 in Lonneker, died on 19-11-1878 in Lonneker, 0 days old.
   3.  Fenna Hermina (see also IX.16).

VIII.9    Janna (Johanna) KAMPHORST, landbouwster, born on 21-08-1843 in Lonneker, in bevolkingsregister Enschede ook opgenomen als Janna Kamphout, christened (NDG) in Lonneker, died on 16-06-1908 in Lonneker at the age of 64, daughter of Lucas Janse KAMPHORST (see also VII.3) and Hermina STENVERS (Willemina).
Married at the age of 17 on 04-07-1861 in Lonneker to Bernardus WERMER, 19 years old, landbouwer, born on 22-08-1841 in Lonneker (religion: N.H.), died on 04-12-1923 in Noord Eschmarke (Lonneker) at the age of 82, son of Gradus WERMER, wever, and Geertruida ter HORST.
From this marriage:
   1.  Gerritdina, born on 23-09-1861 in Lonneker, died on 26-08-1922 in Noord Eschmarke (Lonneker) at the age of 60.
Married at the age of 30 on 06-11-1891 in Lonneker to Jan Hendrik BEERENBROEK, landbouwer, born ca. 1857 in Lonneker.
   2.  Lambertus (see also IX.19).
   3.  Gradus, born ..-04-1865 in Lonneker, died on 10-06-1865 in Lonneker.
   4.  Gradus, born on 04-07-1866 in Lonneker, died on 12-03-1940 in Enschede at the age of 73.
   5.  Hermina, born on 04-02-1869 in Lonneker, died on 09-12-1951 in Enschede at the age of 82.
Married at the age of 28 on 01-04-1897 in Enschede to Egbert MEIJERINK, voerman, born ±1866 in Lonneker, son of Hendrik Jan MEIJERINK and Hermina WESTENDORP.
   6.  Johanna, born on 24-03-1871 in Lonneker, died on 07-02-1899 in Lonneker at the age of 27.
   7.  Maria Aleida, born on 14-01-1874 in Lonneker.
Married at the age of 32 on 15-09-1906 in Losser to Bernard GUNNEMAN, landbouwer, born ±1871 in Lonneker, son of Gerd GUNNEMAN and Hendrina BRETELER.
   8.  Jan (see also IX.28).
   9.  Hendrik, fabrieksarbeider, born on 29-09-1880 in Lonneker, died on 12-03-1920 in Zuid Eschmarke (Lonneker) at the age of 39.
Married (1) at the age of 18 on 04-02-1899 in Lonneker to Gerridina Johanna ten THIJ, born ca. 1879 in Lonneker, died <1904.
Married (2) at the age of 24 on 10-12-1904 in Lonneker to Johanna Hendrika VIJE, born ca. 1879 in Losser.
   10.  Herman, landbouwer, born ca. 1885 in Lonneker, died on 29-01-1922 in Noord Eschmarke (Lonneker).
Married ca. 1910 to Gerritdina NAGEL, born ca. 1885.
   11.  Bernard (see also IX.35).

IX.1    Lambertus (Lambert) KAMPHORST, wever, landbouwer, born on 29-05-1870 in Losser (religion: NH), died on 16-12-1938 in Lonneker at the age of 68, buried ..-12-1938 in Glanerbrug, son of Jannes KAMPHORST (Kamphout) (see also VIII.4) and Johanna GEUVERS.
Married at the age of 27 on 31-07-1897 in Lonneker to Aaltjen GOOLKATE, 24 years old, born on 14-12-1872 in Lonneker, died on 24-03-1949 in Enschede at the age of 76, buried ..-03-1949 in Glanerbrug, daughter of Hendrik GOOLKATE and Hendrika ROBERTS.
From this marriage:
   1.  Johan Hendrik (see also X.1).
   2.  Hendrik Johan (see also X.4).
   3.  Johanna Hendrina, born on 08-05-1906 in Lonneker (religion: NH).
Married at the age of 25 on 17-03-1932 in Lonneker to Helmich Barend ACHTERHUIS, 25 years old, winkelier, born on 23-01-1907 in Lonneker, died on 25-04-1947 in Lonneker ? at the age of 40, son of Engbert ACHTERHUIS, landbouwer, and Gezina SNUVERINK.
   4.  Hendrina Johanna (Driena), born on 27-02-1909 in Lonneker (religion: NH), died on 25-04-1947 in Deventer at the age of 38.
   5.  Hermina Leida (Miena) (see also X.10).

IX.4    Hendrina Johanna KAMPHORST, born on 29-06-1872 in Lonneker (religion: Gerf.K.), daughter of Jannes KAMPHORST (Kamphout) (see also VIII.4) and Johanna GEUVERS.
Married at the age of 27 on 23-09-1899 in Lonneker to Albertus VENEKAMP, 24 years old, fabrieksarbeider, elektrotechniker, born on 07-07-1875 in Lonneker, died on 27-11-1939 at the age of 64, son of Jan VENEKAMP and Henderika ten BRINK.
From this marriage:
   1.  Johanna Hendrika, born ca. 1903 in Lonneker.
   2.  Jansje, born on 23-03-1908 in Lonneker, died on 25-03-1908 in Noord Eschmarke, 2 days old.

IX.8    Gerritdina KAMPHORST, born on 18-02-1879 in Lonneker (religion: NH), died on 06-07-1924 in Enschede at the age of 45, daughter of Jannes KAMPHORST (Kamphout) (see also VIII.4) and Johanna GEUVERS.
Married at the age of 21 on 23-06-1900 in Losser to Herman Nicolaas NUSMEIER, commissionair, handelsagent, born ±1875 in Losser, died ±1958, son of Frederik Bernardus Wilhelm NUSMEIER, landbouwer, and Johanna GIEBEL.
From this marriage:
   1.  Frederik Bernard Willem, drogist, born on 26-04-1901 in Losser.

IX.9    Jan Hendrik KAMPHORST, fabrieksarbeider, textielarbeider, born on 21-09-1882 in Lonneker (religion: NH), died on 20-01-1959 in Enschede at the age of 76, son of Jannes KAMPHORST (Kamphout) (see also VIII.4) and Johanna GEUVERS.
Married at the age of 23 on 25-11-1905 in Lonneker to Grada SCHOUWINK, 21 years old, born on 29-09-1884 in Lonneker, died on 26-12-1958 in Enschede at the age of 74, daughter of Herman SCHOUWINK and Johanna Hendrika Lutje SCHIPHOLT.
From this marriage:
   1.  Johanna, confectienaaister, born on 08-04-1906 in Lonneker (religion: NH).
Married at the age of 24 on 02-08-1930 in Lonneker to Sjoerd HOGEBRINK, kruideniersventer, kruidenier, born ca. 1904 in Losser, died on 02-09-1960 in Enschede, son of Jan HOGEBRINK, winkelier, and Dina ROLFF.
   2.  Hermina, born on 05-12-1908 in Lonneker, died on 18-12-1908 in Zuid Eschmarke (Lonneker), 13 days old.

IX.16    Fenna Hermina KAMPHORST, born on 07-10-1884 in De Dalen, died on 26-11-1957 in Enschede at the age of 73, daughter of Lambertus KAMPHORST (Kamphout) (see also VIII.6) and Gerritdina WILMINK, landbouwster.
Married at the age of 27 on 29-03-1912 in Lonneker to Willem Hendrik SCHOLTEN, 27 years old, timmerman, born on 14-09-1884 in Lonneker.
From this marriage:
   1.  Johan Bertus, born ca. 1921 in Enschede, died on 21-02-1932 in Enschede.

IX.19    Lambertus WERMER, landbouwer, born on 10-08-1863 in Lonneker (religion: N.H.), died on 18-03-1922 in Lonneker at the age of 58, son of Bernardus WERMER, landbouwer, and Janna (Johanna) KAMPHORST (see also VIII.9).
Married at the age of 27 on 13-03-1891 in Lonneker, church marriage on 13-03-1891 in Enschede (Herv.Gemeente) to Hermina Gerritdina LAMMERS, 23 years old, born on 01-03-1868 in Lonneker (religion: N.H.), died on 16-03-1911 in Enschede at the age of 43, daughter of Hemren LAMMERS and Gezina Berendina BERENBROEK.
From this marriage:
   1.  Jan Harry (see also X.18).
   2.  Herman, born ±1901.
   3.  Gijs, born ±1903.
   4.  Gerhard Lucas (see also X.22).
   5.  Hanna, born ±1905.
   6.  Sina, born ±1906.
   7.  Gerritje, born ±1908.

IX.28    Jan WERMER, arbeider, portier, born on 31-01-1876 in Lonneker (religion: N.H.), died on 06-03-1942 in Gronau at the age of 66, son of Bernardus WERMER, landbouwer, and Janna (Johanna) KAMPHORST (see also VIII.9).
Married at the age of 26 on 08-11-1902 in Lonneker to Aleida Berendina SCHOUWINK, 22 years old, born on 23-12-1879 in Lonneker, daughter of Herman SCHOUWINK and Johanna Hendrika Lutje SCHIPHOLT.
From this marriage:
   1.  Bernard Herman, gemeente-veldwachter, born on 16-10-1903 in Lonneker (religion: N.H.).
Married at the age of 26 on 14-12-1929 in Lonneker to Maria van WAKEREN, 26 years old, born on 04-02-1903 in Lonneker (religion: N.H.).

IX.35    Bernard WERMER, spoorwegarbeider, born on 20-04-1886 in Lonneker, died on 02-09-1961 in Enschede at the age of 75, son of Bernardus WERMER, landbouwer, and Janna (Johanna) KAMPHORST (see also VIII.9).
Married at the age of 30 on 09-09-1916 in Lonneker to Engelina Johanna VOOGSGEERD, 23 years old, born on 04-07-1893 in Lonneker.
From this marriage:
   1.  Johanna Hendrina, born on 02-02-1917 in Lonneker.
Married at the age of 29 on 03-04-1946 in Lonneker to H. VOOGTSGEERD, born ±1917 in Lonneker.
   2.  Hendrika, born on 06-08-1919 in Lonneker.
Married at the age of 26 on 07-03-1946 in Lonneker to M. POST, born ±1919 in Lonneker ?
   3.  Bernarda, born on 09-04-1930 in Lonneker.
Married at the age of 24 on 31-03-1955 in Lonneker to E. WEENER, born ±1930 in Lonneker ?

X.1    Johan Hendrik KAMPHORST, van klerk tot export manager bij textielfabriek Van Heek te Schuttersveld, born on 27-09-1900 in Lonneker, died on 12-05-1993 in Enschede at the age of 92, son of Lambertus (Lambert) KAMPHORST (see also IX.1) and Aaltjen GOOLKATE.
Married (1) at the age of 26 on 11-02-1927 in Enschede to Grada SCHOLTEN, 24 years old, born on 23-05-1902 in Enschede, died on 17-11-1936 in Enschede at the age of 34, vlgs GensDataISIS ovl. 7-1-1943, daughter of Herman SCHOLTEN and Marijtjen WEVERS.
Married (2) at the age of 39 on 21-09-1940 to Eva van BEEK, 25 years old, born on 18-04-1915 in Nijkerk, died on 30-11-2002 in Enschede at the age of 87, daughter of Hendrikus van BEEK, klompenmaker, and Maria van den BOSCH.
From the first marriage:
   1.  Bertus Hendrik (Bert) (see also XI.1).
From the second marriage:
   2.  Ada Marie Alie, born on 05-06-1943.
Married ca. 1968 to N. GIESKES, born ±1940, died ±2000.
   3.  Ria Hannie, born on 28-11-1947.
Married ca. 1970 to Frans PADBERG, born ±1945.

X.4    Hendrik Johan KAMPHORST, electro-installateur, born on 31-07-1902 in Lonneker, died on 07-01-1943 in Enschede at the age of 40, buried ..-01-1943 in Glanerbrug, son of Lambertus (Lambert) KAMPHORST (see also IX.1) and Aaltjen GOOLKATE.
Married at the age of 28 on 13-12-1930 in Lonneker to Gerridina Willemina WERMER, 26 years old, confectienaaister, born on 01-04-1904 in Lonneker, died on 05-12-1999 at the age of 95, vlgs ovl dd 06-12-2000, buried ..-12-1999 in Glanerbrug, daughter of Gerrit Jan WERMER, fabrieksarbeider, and Berendina ZOETMAN.
From this marriage:
   1.  Berendina (Diny) (see also XI.8).
   2.  Aaltjen (Alie), born on 31-12-1934 in Enschede (religion: NH).
Married >1955 in Enschede ? Spouse is Albert EKKELKAMP, born ±1934 in Enschede ?
   3.  Lambertus (Bertus) (see also XI.11).

X.10    Hermina Leida (Miena) KAMPHORST, born on 18-06-1911 in Lonneker (religion: NH), daughter of Lambertus (Lambert) KAMPHORST (see also IX.1) and Aaltjen GOOLKATE.
Married >1935 in Lonneker ? Spouse is Gerard KITS, born ±1911 in Lonneker ?
From this marriage:
   1.  levenloos, born on 15-06-1947 in Enschede, died on 15-06-1947 in Enschede, 0 days old.

X.18    Jan Harry WERMER, agent van politie, portier, born on 20-11-1899 in Lonneker (religion: N.H.), died on 06-12-1974 in Enschede at the age of 75, son of Lambertus WERMER (see also IX.19) and Hermina Gerritdina LAMMERS.
Married at the age of 30 on 20-09-1930 in Lonneker to Gerridina Hermina SCHUKKINK, 29 years old, born on 10-06-1901 in Lonneker (religion: N.H.), daughter of Hendrik SCHUKKINK and Gerritdina NIEMEIJER.
From this marriage:
   1.  Lambertus, born on 23-07-1931 in Utrecht.
Married at the age of 25 on 23-04-1957 in Utrecht to M. JANSEN, born ±1931 in Utrecht ?
   2.  Gerdine, born on 01-02-1933 in Utrecht.
Married at the age of 24 on 10-12-1957 in Utrecht to J.A.A. AVERESCH, born ±1933 in Utrecht ?

X.22    Gerhard Lucas WERMER, born >1904 in Lonneker ? Son of Lambertus WERMER (see also IX.19) and Hermina Gerritdina LAMMERS.
   1.  Jan, born ±1930.

XI.1    Bertus Hendrik (Bert) KAMPHORST, textieldeskundige, born on 28-10-1929, son of Johan Hendrik KAMPHORST (see also X.1) and Grada SCHOLTEN.
Married at the age of 25 on 04-12-1954 in Mbale (Uganda) to Mary Lee MCWILLIAM, 34 years old, born on 24-09-1920 in Portsoy (Schotland), died on 24-06-2007 in Tamworth (AUS) at the age of 86, buried on 28-06-2007 in Australie, Glen Innes General NSW, daughter of Peter MCWILLIAM and Elizabeth N.
From this marriage:
   1.  John (see also XII.1).
   2.  Teresa Mary (Terry) (see also XII.4).
   3.  Peter Gerard (see also XII.5).

XI.8    Berendina (Diny) KAMPHORST, born on 29-01-1932 in Lonneker (religion: NH), daughter of Hendrik Johan KAMPHORST (see also X.4) and Gerridina Willemina WERMER, confectienaaister.
Married at the age of 38 on 07-10-1970 in Enschede to Albertus (Bertus) PEN, 42 years old, born on 13-06-1928 in Losser, died on 15-08-1997 at the age of 69, son of Willem PEN and Geesje TOLMAN.
From this marriage:
   1.  Willem, born on 04-10-1971 in Enschede.

XI.11    Lambertus (Bertus) KAMPHORST, electrotechnisch opzichter, systeemprogrammeur, born on 12-06-1939 in Enschede, christened (NH) in Glanerbrug, son of Hendrik Johan KAMPHORST (see also X.4) and Gerridina Willemina WERMER, confectienaaister.
Married at the age of 25 on 31-08-1964 in Kirchheim/Teck to Renate Elisabeth BURSE, born ±1939 in Ede/Westfalen, daughter of Anton BURSE-HANNING and Anna LUTTKE-BRUNS.
From this marriage:
   1.  Jörg Alfred (see also XII.8).
   2.  Ralf Dieter, born on 07-04-1966 in Kirchheim.
   3.  Robert Hendrik, born on 24-03-1979 in Kirchheim/Teck.

XII.1    John KAMPHORST, veehouder, jachtgids, born on 18-04-1956 in Banff (Schotland), son of Bertus Hendrik (Bert) KAMPHORST (see also XI.1) and Mary Lee MCWILLIAM.
Married at the age of 22 on 16-11-1978 in Dacca (Bangla Desh) to Kathleen (Kate) MURPHY, 22 years old, born on 13-07-1956 in Leongatha (Victoria, AUS), daughter of John MURPHY and Kathleen N.
From this marriage:
   1.  Lelia, born on 07-02-1991 in Melbourne (Victoria, AUS).
   2.  Anthony, born on 25-12-1992 in Armidale (NSW) AUS.

XII.4    Teresa Mary (Terry) KAMPHORST, born on 11-09-1957, daughter of Bertus Hendrik (Bert) KAMPHORST (see also XI.1) and Mary Lee MCWILLIAM.
Married ca. 1980 to Keith R. BARKER, born ±1955.
From this marriage:
   1.  Ross, born on 27-05-1993 in Perth of Dundee.

XII.5    Peter Gerard KAMPHORST, technisch ambtenaar huisdieren, born on 15-10-1959 in Moshi (Tanzania), son of Bertus Hendrik (Bert) KAMPHORST (see also XI.1) and Mary Lee MCWILLIAM.
Married at the age of 26 on 30-11-1985 in Glenn Innes (NSW) AUS to Deborah (Debbie) CATHCART, 27 years old, born on 31-10-1958 in Brisbane (Queensland) AUS, daughter of Douglas CATHCART and Kathleen N.
From this marriage:
   1.  Ross, born on 09-03-1988 in Glenn Innes (NSW) AUS.
   2.  Daniel, born on 13-11-1989 in Glenn Innes (NSW) AUS.

XII.8    Jörg Alfred KAMPHORST, mechaniker (2005), design engineer for mechanical engineering automobile industry (2012), born on 07-04-1966 in Kirchheim, christened (RK) in Kirchheim, son of Lambertus (Bertus) KAMPHORST (see also XI.11) and Renate Elisabeth BURSE.
Married at the age of 23 on 05-05-1989 in Holzmaden to Margarete SIEBER, 22 years old, born on 14-03-1967 in Kirchheim / Teck (D), daughter of Horst SIEBER and Elisabeth LEITNER.
From this marriage:
   1.  Vanessa, born on 20-11-1993 in Kirchheim.

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